In [34]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
In [35]:
% matplotlib inline
Here I'm plotting sine waves with different wave numbers. The different sine waves get median filtered and the filtered wave is displayed in the same plot. At least I am calculating the difference between the sine wave and the median filtered wave.
In [36]:
def medianSinPlot( waveNumber, windowLength ):
data = np.fromfunction( lambda x: np.sin((x-windowLength / 2)/128 * 2 * np.pi * waveNumber), (128 + windowLength / 2, ) ) #creating an array with a sine wave
datafiltered = medianFilter(data, windowLength) #calculate the filtered wave with the medianFiltered function
data = data[ windowLength / 2 : - windowLength ] # slice the data array to synchronize both waves
datafiltered = datafiltered[ : len(data) ] # cut the filtered wave to the same length as the data wave
plt.plot( data )
plt.plot( datafiltered )
plt.plot( data-datafiltered )
In [37]:
def medianFilter( data, windowLength ):
if (windowLength < len(data)and data.ndim == 1):
tempret = np.zeros(len(data)-windowLength+1) # creating an array where the filtered values will be saved in
if windowLength % 2 ==0: # check if the window length is odd or even because with even window length we get an unsynchrone filtered wave
for c in range(0, len(tempret)):
tempret[c] = np.median( data[ c : c + windowLength +1 ] ) # write the values of the median filtered wave in tempret, calculate the median of all values in the window
return tempret
for c in range(0, len(tempret)):
tempret[c] = np.median( data[ c : c + windowLength ] )
return tempret
raise ValueError("windowLength must be smaller than len(data) and data must be a 1D array")
Here you can see the result. The blue wave is the sine, green the filtered wave and red is the difference between sine wave and filtered wave.
In [38]:
pp = PdfPages( 'median sin with different window lengths.pdf')
for z in range (2,9):
fig = plt.figure(z, figsize=(30,20)) #creating different figures in one plot, z is the window length
for x in range(1, 5):
for y in range(1, 6):
plt.subplot(5, 5, x + (y-1)*4) #creating different subplots in one figure, with x and y the wave number is calculated
wavenum = (x-1) + (y-1)*4
medianSinPlot( wavenum, z )
plt.suptitle('Median filtered sine waves with window length ' + str(z), fontsize = 60)
plt.xlabel(("Wave number = "+str((x-1) + (y-1)*4)), fontsize=18)
In [39]:
def medianFilter1( data, windowLength ):
if (windowLength < len(data)and data.ndim == 1):
tempret = np.zeros(len(data)-windowLength+1) # creating an array where the filtered values will be saved in
for c in range(0, len(tempret)):
tempret[c] = np.median( data[ c : c + windowLength ] ) # write the values of the median filtered wave in tempret, calculate the median of all values in the window
return tempret
raise ValueError("windowLength must be smaller than len(data) and data must be a 1D array")
In [40]:
def medianSinPlot1( waveNumber, windowLength ):
data = np.fromfunction( lambda x: np.sin((x-windowLength / 2)/128 * 2 * np.pi * waveNumber), (128 + windowLength / 2, ) ) #creating an array with a sine wave
datafiltered = medianFilter1(data, windowLength) #calculate the filtered wave with the medianFiltered function
data = data[ windowLength / 2 : - windowLength ] # slice the data array to synchronize both waves
datafiltered = datafiltered[ : len(data) ] # cut the filtered wave to the same length as the data wave
plt.plot( data )
plt.plot( datafiltered )
plt.plot( data-datafiltered )
Here you can see that the sine wave and filtered wave are asynchronous, when the window length is even. The difference between both waves is calculated wrong.
In [41]:
for z in range (10,11): # window length 10
fig = plt.figure(z, figsize=(30,20))
for x in range(1, 5):
for y in range(1, 6):
plt.subplot(5, 5, x + (y-1)*4)
wavenum = (x-1) + (y-1)*4
medianSinPlot1( wavenum, z )
plt.suptitle('Median filtered sine waves without synchronysation ', fontsize = 60)
plt.xlabel(("Wave number = "+str((x-1) + (y-1)*4)), fontsize=18)
In [42]:
for z in range (10,11): #calculated with window length 10
fig = plt.figure(z, figsize=(30,20))
for x in range(1, 5):
for y in range(1, 6):
plt.subplot(5, 5, x + (y-1)*4)
wavenum = (x-1) + (y-1)*4
medianSinPlot( wavenum, z )
plt.suptitle('Median filtered sine waves with synchronysation' , fontsize = 60)
plt.xlabel(("Wave number = "+str((x-1) + (y-1)*4)), fontsize=18)
In [ ]: